Dispositivo de hidroterapia de cólon Libbe Fornecedor fabricante
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Dispositivo de hidroterapia de cólon Libbe

» Dispositivo de hidroterapia de cólon Libbe

  • Guia completo para máquinas colônicas

    Dispositivo de hidroterapia de cólon Libbe, Máquina de hidroterapia de cólon viva, Sistema aberto de hidroterapia de cólon ao vivo, Sistema de hidroterapia de cólon vivo, Máquina Colônica Libbe, Máquina de cólon Libbe para venda, Preço da máquina de cólon Libbe, Sistema de hidroterapia de cólon aberto ao vivo, Hidroterapia colônica com sistema Libbe , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Especificações

    Máquinas Colônicas Máquinas Colônicas

    As descrições das máquinas colônicas:

    Máquinas Colônicas, também conhecido como limpeza do cólon ou irrigação do cólon, é frequentemente praticado como uma forma de medicina alternativa. O objetivo alegado do procedimento é remover toxinas, perder peso, prevenir doenças, aliviar a constipação, promote general

    health and well-being.
    Sabe-se que tal procedimento comumente envolvia o uso da “Colonet Colonic Machine” , which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures.
    The client generally lies down on the hydrotherapy bed and the filtered constant temperature water is pumped through the rectum via a tube. Fluids and waste are expelled through another tube. A large volume of fluid, up to 60 litres would be introduced into the

    colon via the rectum. The procedure may be repeated several times.

    The Features of Colonic Machines:

    1. With drawer and cabinet
    2. Dependable and safe operation
    3. Completely closed system
    4. Built in disinfecting system
    5. Water pressure regulator
    6. Water Lines with connections

    7. Pressure and temperature controlled with safety features

    8. Accurate, adjustable temperature control and shut down valve

    The magical effect of intestinal hydrotherapy:

    ?Improve constipation, acne, abdominal distention, diarrhea

    ?Improve headache, insomnia, halitosis and body odor

    ?Improve uric acid too high

    ?Improving physical abdominal obesity

    ?Improvement of triglyceride in blood and poor peripheral blood circulation.

    ?Improve dark spots and rough skin

    ?Strengthening liver and kidney function

    ?Avoid improper medication and avoid blind health care.


    ?Not oral,no enema

    ?Not ignorant, not stinking

    ?No dependence

    ?Does not destroy the flora and mucous membranes

    ?The row is thorough, the row is comfortable

    ?No side effects

    ?Privacy and honorability

    ?Health and wellness programs meet the national “Healthy China 2030” planning outline

    Máquinas Colônicas Máquinas Colônicas Máquinas Colônicas Máquinas Colônicas

    Colon health is crucial for overall well-being. With the increase in diseases related to the digestive system, it is essential to take care of our colon. One of the best ways to do that is by using a colonic machine. In this article, we will discuss the history, working principle, benefits, steps, who needs it, and applications of colonic machines.

    History of Colonic Machine

    Colonic irrigation has been used for a long time to help people with digestive problems. It was believed that it could help eliminate toxins from the body. In the 1920s, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg introduced the first colonic machine. Since then, the design and technology have improved significantly, making it easier to use and more effective.

    Working Principle of Colonic Machine

    A colonic machine works by using water pressure to flush out waste from the colon. The process involves inserting a disposable speculum into the rectum, which is connected to the colonic machine. Through this speculum, warm water is gradually introduced into the colon. The water pressure helps dislodge waste from the walls of the colon, and the waste is then eliminated through the machine’s waste tube.


    Benefits of Colonic Machine

    • Melhora a digestão: Colonic machines help to flush out waste from the colon, which can help improve digestion.
    • Detoxification: The elimination of waste from the colon helps remove toxins from the body, resulting in improved overall health.
    • Alivia a constipação: Colonic machines can help relieve constipation by flushing out hard stools that may get stuck in the colon.

    Steps Involved in Using a Colonic Machine

    1. Prepare the machine by filling it with warm water.
    2. Insert the speculum into the rectum.
    3. Turn on the machine and gradually introduce water into the colon.
    4. Allow the water to flow in and out of the colon to remove waste.
    5. Once the water coming out of the waste tube is clear, the procedure is complete.

    Who Needs a Colonic Machine?

    Colonic machines are beneficial for people who suffer from digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. They are also useful for people who want to detoxify their bodies and improve overall well-being.


    Applications of Colonic Machine

    Colonic machines are widely used in spas, wellness centers, and clinics. They are commonly used in the following industries:

    1. Alternative Medicine
    2. Detoxification Centers
    3. Clínicas Naturopatas
    4. Wellness Centers


    Máquinas Colônicas Máquinas Colônicas Máquinas Colônicas

    Monkon Colon Hydrotherapy Device Supplies é especializada na distribuição de dispositivos de hidroterapia de cólon(irrigação colonial) descartáveis ​​e produtos relacionados. Estamos localizados em Hong Kong, CN. Estivemos envolvidos no dispositivo de hidroterapia do cólon(irrigação colonial) setor desde 2002. Monkon Colon Hydrotherapy Device Supplies é um fornecedor aprovado para RICTAT - a Associação Internacional e Registro de Hidroterapeutas e Formadores Integrativos do Cólon.

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